BibleProject - Advent Series
Amharic Localization - Illustration and Animation
BibleProject is a nonprofit organization creating video content in a way that pays attention to how biblical authors have artistically designed the texts. It also traces how ideas and themes develop and connect from the beginning to the end of biblical stories.

In July 2021, BibleProject was looking for a partner in Ethiopia to localize their videos. We were recommended to be a part of it. After submitting our proposal and demo, we were selected and gladly took it on. The localization involved creating the Amharic translation, voice over, illustration and animation.
Our Work
We used the existing characters and added different features to make it familiar for the Amharic speaking audience. The customizations gave it a local vibe while matching the tone, look, and feel of the English version.
Custom Amharic Typography
We created custom Ethiopic typeface to match the English typeface.
Watch the Series (Amharic)
Art and Creative Direction - Bete-Semay Creative Media
Illustration and Animation - Bete-Semay Creative Media
Voiceover Artist, Translator - External
Language Advisor - External